How much do you know about your rights, obligations and entitlements when you need to make a claim? Let’s take a typical home property damage claim, there are some things to think about like:
Does your policy give you any extra in addition to your sum insured for demolition and removal of debris, if so is there a limit? Some of the other additional benefits that may be provided in your policy (subject to limits) may include:
If your claim relates to a business, do you have business interruption cover for loss of income in the event of insured damage? Do you know how to present your business interruption claim for loss of income? If you cannot reach an agreement with your insurer are you familiar with the disputes resolution process? Do you know how to go about preparing your dispute? At NQIB claims management and dispute resolution on behalf of our clients is a service that we provide at no add on cost to you. |
December 2024